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发布时间:2006年07月18日| 作者:CIA学习卡| 来源:中审论坛| 点击数: |字体:    |    默认    |   

3. A new manager of a production department has been asked to assess the effectiveness of that department. The organization needs to satisfy both internal and external constituents and takes a broad approach to effectiveness. In order to complete the assignment successfully, the manager should

A.measure the daily productivity of the department.

B.Do a survey of employee morale, as it is often a major underlying factor in productivity.

C.Compare the past year’s production against annual goals.

D.Consider short-, medium-, and long-term effectiveness.

D yes. Kreitner (6th ed., pages 279-80) states, “organizational effectiveness can be defined as meeting organizational objectives and prevailing societal expectations in the near future, adapting and developing in the intermediate future, and surviving in the distant future. In the near term (about one year), if should be effective in achieving its goals, efficient in its use of resources, and a source of satisfaction to its constituencies (owners, employees, customers, and society). In the intermediate term (2 to 4 years), it should adapt to new possibilities and obstacles and develop its abilities and those of its members. In the long term (5+years), the organization should be able to survive in an uncertain world.

A no. daily productivity relates to short-term effectiveness only.

B no. A survey of employee morale may contribute to assessing effectiveness, but it is not sufficient for assessing overall effectiveness.

C no Comparing production against goals is a measure of short-term effectiveness.

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