Sec. 102 Registration with the Board
Beginning 180 days after the SEC certifies that the Board is operational, it shall be unlawful for any person who is not with a registered public accounting firm to prepare or issue, or to participate in the preparation or issuance of, any audit report with respect to any issuer.
Sec. 103 Auditing, quality control, and independence standards and rules
The Board shall include in the auditing standards that it adopts, requirements that each registered public accounting firm shall:
● prepare, and maintain for a period of not less than 7 years, audit work papers, and other information related to any audit report, in sufficient detail to support the conclusions reached in such report; and
● provide a concurring or second partner review and approval of such audit report (and other related information), and concurring approval in its issuance, by a qualified person associated with the public accounting firm, other than the person in charge of the audit, or by an independent reviewer.
● 在编制审计工作底稿和其他与审计报告相关的信息时,提供充分的细节,来支持该报告的结论。存档时间不得少于七年;
● 由实施该审计的人员之外的,在该注册会计师事务所登记的合格的人员,对该审计报告和签发进行共同复核批准或由其他合伙人进行二次复核批准。
The auditing standards shall also include requirements that each registered public accounting firm shall describe in each audit report the scope of the auditor's testing of the internal control structure and procedures of the issuer, required by section 404(b), and present (in such report or in a separate report):
● the findings of the auditor from such testing;
● an evaluation of whether such internal control structure and procedures:
1. include maintenance of records that in reasonable detail accurately and fairly reflect the
transactions and dispositions of the assets of the issuer; and
2. provide reasonable assurance that transactions are recorded as necessary to permit preparation of financial statements in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles, and that receipts and expenditures of the issuer are being made only in accordance with authorizations of management and directors of the issuer; and
● a description, at a minimum, of material weaknesses in such internal controls, and of any material noncompliance found on the basis of such testing.
● 审计人员在该测试中的发现;
● 评价此类内部控制结构或程序是否:(1)保存了以合理的详细程度准确和公允地反映了上市公司交易与资产处置的记录;(2)合理地鉴证被审计公司的业务已经被记载,以便根据公认会计准则编制财务报表,并且上市公司的收支状况符合管理层和董事的授权;并且
● 至少要描述在测试基础上所发现的,此类内部控制存在的重要缺陷,和重大的违规的情况。
The auditing standards shall also include - in the quality control standards that the Board adopts with respect to the issuance of audit reports - requirements for every registered public accounting firm relating to:
● monitoring of professional ethics and independence from issuers on behalf of which the firm issues audit reports;
● consultation within such firm on accounting and auditing questions;
● supervision of audit work;
● hiring, professional development, and advancement of personnel;
● the acceptance and continuation of engagements;
● internal inspection; and
● such other requirements as the Board may prescribe.
● 监督发布审计报告的报表签发者的职业道德和独立性;
● 在事务所内部对会计与审计问题进行咨询;
● 审计工作的指导;
● 员工的雇佣、职业培训和升迁;
● 业务的承揽和继续;
● 内部检查;
● 监管委员会指定的其他要求。