Sec. 108 Accounting standards
The SEC may recognize, as 'generally accepted' for purposes of the securities laws, any accounting principles established by a standard setting body that:
● is organized as a private entity;
● has a board of trustees serving in the public interest, the majority of whom are not, concurrent with their service on such board, and have not been during the two-year period preceding such service, associated persons of any registered public accounting firm; is funded as provided in section 109 of this Act;
● has adopted procedures to ensure prompt consideration, by majority vote of its members, of changes to accounting principles necessary to reflect emerging accounting issues and changing business practices; and
● considers, in adopting accounting principles, the need to keep standards current in order to reflect changes in the business environment, the extent to which international convergence on high quality accounting standards is necessary or appropriate in the public interest and for the protection of investors; and
● that the SEC determines has the capacity to assist it in fulfilling the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, because, at a minimum, the standard setting body is capable of improving the accuracy and effectiveness of financial reporting and the protection of investors under the securities laws. Any such standard setting body described in this section shall submit an annual report to the SEC and the public, containing audited financial statements of that standard setting body.
● 按照私营实体组建;
● 具有一个代表公众利益的信托人委员会,该委员会的大部分成员,在受聘于该委员会的同时,或两年之内,没有与任何一家备案登记的注册会计师事务所关联;该标准制订机构根据本法案109段获得资助;
● 建立了一套迅速反应程序,经由成员的多数表决,可以改变会计原理,以便应对新起的会计课题和变化中的经营实践;
● 在采用会计原理时,考虑保持准则的及时性,以便反映商业环境的变化,国际上对于高质量的会计准则的需要程度,或符合公众利益和对投资者的保护;并且
● 经证券交易委员会确认,具备支持其达成1934年证券交易法的要求的能力,因为,标准制订机构至少要能够在证券法律的框架内改善财务报告的准确性和有效性,并且保护投资者。本节所指的任何一家标准制订机构都应当向证券交易委员会和公众提交年度报告,其内容应当包括经审计的该标准制订机构的财务报表。