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发布时间:2006年07月26日| 作者:佚名| 来源:本站原创| 点击数: 2702 |字体:    |    默认    |   

41. With the shift in some countries’ economies toward service industries, a new form of organization has developed. This organization structure is referred to as the professional bureaucracy. While this structure resembles the machine bureaucracy (which relies on standardized work processes) in several respects, it is different in one key aspect. This significant difference is that in a professional bureaucracy.

A.senior management has had to give up a substantial amount of control.

B.Tasks are accomplished with a high degree of efficiency.

C.There is strict adherence to rules.

D.There is a tendency for subunit conflicts to develop.

A yes. A professional bureaucracy (e.g., a university or library) is a complex and formal but decentralized organization in which highly trained specialists have great autonomy. The jobs performed by these professionals require years of education and training. By their nature, such jobs can be performed effectively only if the employees are afforded substantial autonomy.

C no. both organizational structures thrive on rules.

B no both a machine bureaucracy and professional bureaucracy can accomplish routine tasks in a highly efficient manner.

D no subunit conflicts are typical of bureaucracies. Specialization tend to result in a focus on subunit rather than organizational objectives.

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