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发布时间:2006年07月26日| 作者:佚名| 来源:本站原创| 点击数: |字体:    |    默认    |   

38. As an organization increases the number of employees, its structure becomes more complex. Rules become more formalized and more supervisors are hired to direct the increased numbers of subordinates. What is the nature of the size-structure relationship?

A.the size-structure relationship is linear.

B.The structure becomes fixed once an organization attains a level of about 200 employees.

C.The size-structure relationship is concave.

D.None of the answers are correct.

D yes. As an organization increases in size, its structure tends to become more formal and mechanistic. More policies and procedures are necessary to coordinate the increased number of employees, and more managers must be hired. However, the relationship between size and changes in structure is linear only within a certain range. For example, adding 100 employees to a company with 100 employees is likely to cause significant structural change, but adding the same number to a workforce of 10000 is likely to have little impact. By the time a company reaches a certain size (1500 to 2000 or more), it usually has most of the qualities of a mechanistic structure.

A no. the size-structure relationship is likely to be linear but only within a narrow range.

b. and c no .same as a.

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