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发布时间:2006年07月26日| 作者:佚名| 来源:本站原创| 点击数: |字体:    |    默认    |   

39. In general, as organizations grow in size, their strategies.

A.become more ambitious, and they often expand their activities within their industry.

B.Focus on vertical integration, and their structures consequently must become more centralized.

C.Change from a focus on a diverse set of products to a focus on a single product line.

D.Follow and are determined by their internal structures.

A yes. The strategies of larger organizations tend to be more ambitious and complex. Thus, a company may expand from one product line to many. The result is a need for more complicated coordination methods.

B no. a company with diversified products may decide to create independent, decentralized divisions.

C no. focusing on a single product line rather than a diverse set of products is not a strategy for a growing company.

D no. structure follows strategy.

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